Academic Building, Varendra University, Chandrima, Paba, Rajshahi-6204
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Welcome to UCICS-2025

An undergraduate tech conference

The Undergraduate Conference on Intelligent Computing and Systems (UCICS) is going to be a two-day long conference, organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Varendra University, Bangladesh in order to encourage undergraduate students of ICT background to gather hands-on experience on the state-of-the-art research by learning from the experts. The UCICS aims to be a platform of fantastic opportunity for undergraduate students to build connections, gain knowledge, and show excellence. We look forward to meeting you on this journey of learning, innovation, and inspiration.

Prof. Dr. Md. Khademul Islam Molla Conference Chair, UCICS-2025 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Varendra University

About the Conference

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Varendra University, Bangladesh, will organize the Undergraduate Conference on Intelligent Computing and Systems (UCICS) from 27-28 February 2025.

The conference is open to all students, academics, and practitioners in the field of ICT. Submissions of original, unpublished papers are cordially invited, where at least one undergraduate student is included as an author.

The primary objective of UCICS-2025 is to provide undergraduate students of ICT backgrounds a platform to present and publish their research works, learn about opportunities, get encouraged towards innovation and higher studies, and leave inspired.

Important Deadlines

Paper Submission:
31 December 2024
Notification of Acceptance:
31 January 2025
Camera-Ready Paper Submission:
10 February 2025
10 February 2025
Conference Date:
27-28 February 2025

Student Paper Award

To recognize excellence, Best Paper Awards will be given to two best papers based on the recommendation of the UCICS-2025 Technical Program Committee. Only the papers presented in the UCICS-2025 will be considered for the awards. Each award contains prize money of BDT 5,000 and a certificate.

Benefits for Participants

UCICS aspires to be a platform where your research doesn’t end when you hit submit, but rather a community platform that shares much beyond that. We value your ideas and research work. Here, you will find peers who are equally interested in the research that you are doing, and you can also listen to others. Participating at UCICS is a way for your research to be more than just a project.

Specially if you are an undergraduate student, there are many skills you can gain as a participant, like building your presentation, communicating with experts and peers, public speaking, etc. Presenting at UCICS will help you build confidence in your ideas and research. You will learn that conducting research is not only about figuring out questions or problems but also about setting your own questions.

Even if you do not wish to submit any papers, you can still attend the seminars and paper presentation sessions and receive a participant certificate along with additional benefits.

Submission Deadline









Scopes of the Conference

The papers are invited on, but not limited to, the following topics:

AI and Machine Learning Communication Technologies Robotics & Automation
Advanced Database Technology Cloud Computing Signal, Image & Video Processing
BioInformatics Data Science & Big Data Analysis Software Engineering
Biomedical Engineering Embedded Systems & IoT
Computer Network & Cybersecurity ICT Applications

Keynote Speakers

Keikichi Hirose

Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo

Keikichi Hirose

Keikichi Hirose received the Ph. D. degree in electronic engineering in 1977 from the University of Tokyo. He was a professor of the University of Tokyo from 1994. He retired in 2015, and received Professor of Emeritus title. From March 1987 to January 1988, he was Visiting Scientist at the Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, U.S.A. He served as a project professor at National Institute of Informatics during June 2019 - March 2023. He has been engaged in a wide range of research on spoken language processing, including analysis, synthesis, recognition, dialogue systems, and computer-assisted language learning. From 2000 to 2004, he was Principal Investigator of the national project “Realization of advanced spoken language information processing utilizing prosodic features.” He served as the general chair for INTERSPEECH 2010, Makuhari, Japan. Since 2010, he served as the Chair of ISCA SProSIG until 2018. Also, he served as a board member of ISCA during 2009-2017. He is a member of International Advisory Council from January 2021 (to 2024). He received ISCA fellow grade in 2018. He became an honorary member, Polish Phonetic Association, in 2013. For his long-term and remarkable contribution to spoken language processing, he received Achievement Award from Acoustical Society of Japan in 2020. In 2015, he was honored as a Named Person of Merit in Science and Technology by the Mayor of Tokyo.

Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz

Coordinator of the ICTP EAU Affiliated Centre in UKM, Malaysia

Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz

Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz, PhD ’07, is the Dean of the School of Engineering, Technology and Sciences at the Independent University, Bangladesh and Professor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Previously, he was a Professor at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia. His scientific specialisation is in the areas of IC Design, Biomedical application IC, Biomedical sensors and Smart Home. Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz has published more than 400 scientific articles and is a recipient of more than 70 research grants. His Google citation is over 15,000. Since 2020, he is listed amongst the world's top 2% scientists by Stanford University Data for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators". He was a Senior Associate of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy since 2008, and presently, Coordinator of the ICTP EAU Affiliated Centre in UKM, Malaysia. Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz has an undergraduate and graduate degree in Applied Physics and Electronics from University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, and a doctoral degree in VLSI Design from the Ibaraki University, Japan.

Sawal Hamid Md Ali

Professor, University Kebangsaan Malaysia

Sawal Hamid Md Ali

Sawal Hamid Md Ali is a Professor of Embedded System Design at the Department of Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering, University Kebangsaan Malaysia. He received bachelor degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering from University Putra Malaysia in the year 1998, Master degree in Microelectronic System Design from the University of Southampton in the year 2004 and Ph.D degree in electrical and electronics from University of Southampton, United Kingdom in the year 2010. Dr. Sawal’s work on VLSI, System on Chip and Embedded system has been published in several high quality conference proceedings and journals. He has authored and co-authored more than 200 publications and till this date has been granted four patents on technology related to embedded system and microelectronic circuitry. His interdisciplinary work involves several fields including Analog and Mixed Signal Systems, System on Chip design, circuit optimization, wearable system and embedded system. He is currently the Deputy Director for the Centre of Innovation and Technology Transfer, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
