Academic Building, Varendra University, Chandrima, Paba, Rajshahi-6204
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Author's Guideline

Authors are requested to submit full papers of their original, unpublished research work electronically (PDF format using the IEEE conference template) through the conference website. The maximum length of the paper is four (4) pages in the IEEE 2-column format including figures and references. All submissions will be gone through double-blinded review on the basis of technical quality, originality, and novelty.

All accepted papers presented in the conference will be published in the electronic proceedings.

The extended version of the selected papers will be considered for publication in the special issue of the "Varendra International Journal for Interdisciplinary Research (VIJIR)".

Paper Submission Checklist:

  • Each paper must include at least one undergraduate student as an author.
  • Authors must prepare their manuscript using the standard IEEE conference templates available at URL: IEEE Template (please download and use A4 Size Template). Note that the fonts and its size in all sections of the paper (title, text, heads, etc.) are already defined in its style sheet and must not be modified.
  • The manuscript template can also be downloaded from here:
      MS Word Template: MS Word (MS Word 2013 or later should be used)
      LaTeX Template: LaTex , LaTeX Bibliography Files
      Overleaf Template available at: Overleaf
  • The author's information (names, affiliations, and email addresses etc.) must not be included in the first submission.
  • Plagiarism: the overall similarity rate of a paper should not exceed 30 percent, and the similarity rate to a single source should not exceed 10 percent.
  • Each paper needs to be submitted electronically as a single PDF file through Microsoft CMT.
  • Paper Submission link: Microsoft CMT